
To be the ultimate forecasting tool of every clean energy project

Open Positions

Job Positions

Life at Solarad.ai

An environmentally conscious start-up which promotes sustainable living for the improvement of the planet.

Core Values

  1. Resilience Through battles and challenges, our resilience fuels our triumphs.
  2. Collaboration Together, as a clan, we achieve the impossible.
  3. Innovation Pushing the boundaries of possibility, innovation is our weapon of choice.
  4. Precision With unwavering precision, our forecasts strike true, shaping destinies.
  5. Sustainability Preserving the Force within our planet, we light the way to a sustainable Earth.
  6. Honor Guided by honor, we forge a legacy that will usher the planet into a brighter future.

Our Team

Solarad.ai is powered by a dedicated team of industry experts, data scientists, engineers, and renewable energy enthusiasts. Our team brings together diverse skill sets and experiences, united by a common passion for clean energy and technological innovation. With a deep understanding of the renewable energy landscape, we are committed to delivering unparalleled value to our customers. Together, we are driving the transformation of the renewable energy sector and shaping a brighter future for generations to come.
